Green Agriventures is part of the ‘parallel’ ethical economy and provides investment opportunities in the agricultural supply chain and land.
Our team has extensive backgrounds in ethical, regenerative and organic farming of livestock, growing organic produce, agribusiness, and organic food supply and distribution – we are uniquely placed in this high demand growth market.
Our business model provides robust investment opportunities for everyday Australians who share our values. This opportunity like no other, provides a way to partner with and share in the operating businesses of our ethical farmers who have all the infrastructure, experience, and land.
Green Agriventures is uniquely adding value to high demand agricultural commodities and land, and ensuring our food security, the environment and communities are supported doing ethical and authentic holistic business. This is called impact investing which you and your family can be part of too.
Our livestock roam and graze freely on natural pastures where no artificially derived chemical insecticides, pesticides or fungicides are sprayed. Our produce farmers only use organic methods. Some of our farmers are certified organic, or in conversion. All of our farmers are using regenerative, organic farming methods with no artificial inputs and no GMO. It is more of a bother, takes longer, and requires an ethical conviction and passion. But it’s better in so many ways. The supply can’t meet the demand in most niches, and, it is profitable!