John Rivett

Contact Info

John Rivett - Cattle-Projects Coordinator

Senior solicitor

John lives in Toowoomba and has offices in Brisbane. He is a senior solicitor but has held a keen interest in cattle since he was 9 years of age. As a boy and teenager, he had lots of experience with horses, mustering, and yard work with cattle. He has continued his interest on and off all his working life, including owning and operating his own breeding and backgrounding herds at Kilkivan in the South Burnett. When residing in North Queensland as a young adult,  he regularly attended the weeks muster at Kangerong Station northwest of Charters Towers. He has always been involved in agriculture and has an affinity for beef cattle operations. He has extensive experience buying and selling and is adept at selection of good genetic traits in bulls, cows, and calves.  His role with Green Agriventures is as the company lawyer and buys and sells herds and calves regularly as part of implementing the team’s decisions.

Authentic ethical holistic farming delivers impact - not only on health with the quality and the nutrition, and the environment, but on our core values. The returns on investment are exceptional, but it is more than just the money, and that’s what drives our passion. Want to know more?

Authentic ethical holistic farming delivers impact - not only on health with the quality and the nutrition, and the environment, but on our core values. The returns on investment are exceptional, but it is more than just the money, and that’s what drives our passion. Want to know more?