Here’s a few pics of our farm visit 23-Jul-22 where we just unloaded one of our investor’s 21 PTICs (pregnant tested in calf cows/heifers) (Santa/Angus) onto one of our large 2 x 10,000-acre paddocks at Pikedale (Near Stanthorpe) where they will have a nice life in our breeding program! They are just settling in! More PTICs coming in over the next few weeks and months as we build this herd to 1,000 head.
Also, as you can see in the picture – one of our premium stud Draughtmaster bulls we are looking to get busy pretty soon!
About cattle: Did you know once you own a cow, it will give you a calf every year delivering 7-10 calves in its life? Do the math – um… so if I buy 100 cows, they can produce 700-1,000 progeny. Hmm! Whilst it is a little tricky managing the business of a cattle herd, It can be a very uniquely robust investment, all variables taken into consideration!
You can own your own cattle too and literally watch your investment grow! Green Agriventures own and manage cattle herds with our investors! Send us a message if you want to know more, or email